Hello! My name is Tom Hull. I am the V.P. of Service for Rosenberg Plumbing & Air. This special message is brought to you because of the very hot weather we have been experiencing!
I just wanted to take a few minutes of your time to help anyone of you wondering why your air conditioning system is acting the way it is. You know what I mean;
- It is running a lot
- There is a lot of condensation (water) where the drain is
- The room in your home that is usually warmer than the others is a lot warmer now
- The utilities are higher
- The temperature inside your home just quite won’t get to where it usually does
You see, most residential heating and air conditioning systems, when they are sized and installed, are calculated on an ‘Average’ outdoor summer temperature of approx. 97-99 degrees with an average indoor temperature of 75 degrees.
So, for every degree over 97-99 outside, your system is operating ‘outside’ its rated area, so to speak. When it’s 100 degrees outside, the temperature differential (the difference between the outside and inside temperature) goes up. Guess what else goes up? We call it infiltration and induction. To help understand these principles, picture if you will, sitting in a car.
It says 85 degrees outside. The air conditioner isn’t even set on high. The amount of heat coming through the windows and metal, from the engine, etc, is not that much so the a/c is keeping up just fine. Now change the outside temperature to 100. The a/c is on high now and it may or may not be keeping up. Why? The amount of heat inducted to the inside of the car is higher! What affects the amount of induction? The temperature differential, amount and type of insulation, size, and type of windows, etc…( for example: double pane windows do a much better job of slowing heat induction into your home than single pane)
Now try it with the window down about an inch. If it were 85 degrees outside, the air conditioning in the car may keep up with the additional heat coming in. But if it were 100 it may not. This is infiltration (or leakage).
Leaks in your home may be from windows, doors, can lights that are exposed to the attic and possibly some construction oddities.
In some cases, the only answer is to replace the entire air conditioning system but, we have found over and over again, by using our specialized training, tools, and equipment (and given the opportunity!) that a majority of duct systems in San Antonio leak from anywhere between 20 and 40%! And many are either over or undersized. The ‘earmarks’ of a leaky duct system are; warm and cool rooms, noisy grilles, dust accumulates fairly quickly (especially around the supply grilles), higher than normal humidity levels inside the home and of course higher than normal cooling costs!
Please contact us today for a free ‘in-home’ evaluation if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
Thank you for your time!