Do I Need an Air Cleaner in My Home?

October 5, 2018

We spend most of our hours of the day at home, and most of that time is spent inside the home, not in our yards. So indoor air quality matters in the home. You breathe it while awake and sleeping. Good air quality can make all the difference in your health and quality of life. So, do you need an air cleaner? That depends on what’s in the air your breathe and how your home is presently removing — if at all — those air pollutants. Indoor air quality Can Contain: Bacteria Viruses, like the cold and flu viruses Allergens, like mold spores, pet dander, dust, ragweed Chemical, like smoke, gases, benzene, formaldehyde Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are known to cause cancer All of these pollutants make you sick, some more so than others. Making it worse are newer homes that are energy efficient. Energy efficiency is great on the pocket but bad on health because not only does it seal in energy, it seals in all these pollutants. What Home design or Upgrades can Remove Pollutants? Removing pollutants is hard to do, but you may already be doing it without knowing it. Your home’s design can act as...

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Air Purifiers vs Plants

September 20, 2018

If you are looking for a way to make sure that you have cleaner and fresher air to breathe while you are inside your home, there are several ways to do it. Some of the most common options are actually having plants or putting an air purifier in your home. There are lots of benefits to having a way to purify your air and if you are trying to choose between the two, we can help you do exactly that. Plants Pros Plants are a great option to have in your home. Not only do they naturally help with air purification but they are also great additions to your decor. This is one of the best ways to help ensure you have cleaner air in your home. If you can take care of a plant and keep it alive. It is a great option for your home air purification. Cons However, this does not come without some potential problems. Plants require care and not just once every month or so. You need to make sure you are properly taking care of your plants based on the needs fo the plant. Another negative aspect is that they sometimes attract bugs into...

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Benefits of a UV Air Sanitizer

June 7, 2018

How clean is the air blowing around and inside your house? Most of the time, the answer to this question is “not good.” In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency reports that the air quality inside your house is sometimes ten times more polluted than the air outside. One of the reasons why this could be happening is due to the excessive sealing of our homes in our quest to make them more energy-efficient. Micro-organisms such as mold and bacteria are among the leading invisible enemies of healthy breathing in your home in San Antonio, TX. One way to deal with these micro-organisms is through the installation of an ultra-violet air sanitizer. What Is a UV Sanitizer and How Does It Work? A UV air sanitizer utilizes UV-C which is part of the UV light spectrum that is usually filtered out by the earth’s atmosphere, to kill most of the airborne germs. The primary goal of the UV air sanitizer is to eliminate the growth of micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi. UV-C is not a new technology. It has been in use for over a century in various applications to kill germs in the air and on surfaces. In fact,...

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