If your air conditioning system isn’t cooling your home as well as it should, then you’ll likely need to seek assistance from a qualified HVAC technician. Multiple parts of your AC could be at fault, but one possibility is that your air compressor may be having problems. These 10 signs of air compressor failure can provide clues to your AC’s issues.
1. Your Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On
If your air conditioner’s fan is running but no cool air is coming from the unit, then your air compressor may be at fault. You should be able to hear your air compressor over the noise of the fan, so if you can’t do so, then your compressor might be the problem. A professional may be able to fix your compressor in this case, but replacement is also common with this type of compressor trouble.
2. Unusual Noises Come From Your Unit
Rattling, clicking, chattering, growling, banging, and popping noises are all possible when your air compressor is having issues. Some potential causes of these unsettling noises include a loose fan, electrical problems, a loose motor, or failing mounts. While some of these troubles can be repaired, others might require compressor replacement.
3. Warmer Air Is Coming From Your Vents
Nobody likes to feel warm air blowing out of the vents when the air conditioner is supposed to be on since that’s always a sign of trouble. One common cause of warm air being produced by an air conditioner is low refrigerant. You could easily solve this problem by simply putting more refrigerant in your unit; however, if a faulty compressor caused the low refrigerant level, then you’ll need to have a professional address the problem.
4. Less Airflow Than Normal Is Coming From Your Vents
If you’ve noticed that the force of cool air coming from your air conditioner is weaker than usual, then a malfunctioning compressor could be the culprit. One simple test for this problem is to hold your hand in front of your vent and compare the strength of the current airflow to that which you’ve felt in the past. If your system’s not sending cool air through your vents at a normal level, then your compressor might need professional attention.
5. Your Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping
A tripping circuit breaker can be a sign of a failing air conditioning compressor. If your cooling unit keeps losing power due to a problematic compressor, then it’ll continue tripping the circuit breaker until the issue is addressed. This happens because faulty compressors often overheat; if your circuit breaker is hot to the touch, then this is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with by an HVAC professional as soon as possible.
6. Your Energy Bill Is Higher Than Usual
Having to pay more than necessary for the energy that you consume is likely a fate that you want to avoid. If you’ve noticed a recent increase in your electricity bill, then one possible culprit could be a failing AC compressor. Malfunctioning air compressors have to work harder to produce cool air than properly functioning ones, so you’ll probably notice this increase in effort show up on your energy bill.
7. Your Outdoor Unit Is Too Hot
Another thing that a malfunctioning air compressor can cause to overheat is the cooling unit itself. If you notice that your outdoor unit is hotter than it should be, then a faulty compressor may be the problem. One way to prevent your unit from overheating is to make sure that your unit has at least three feet of clearance around it; otherwise, the compressor will have to work harder, which will likely cause it to fail in time.
8. Refrigerant Is Leaking From Your Unit
If you’ve noticed refrigerant pooling on the ground near your unit, then you might have a malfunctioning air compressor that’s causing trouble. One likely cause of leaking refrigerant is loose bearings, so you might need to have your air compressor’s bearings replaced. Leaking refrigerant can cause serious health problems if ignored, so be sure to get in touch with a competent professional promptly if your compressor develops this issue.
9. Your Unit Vibrates Harder Than Usual When Starting
Your outdoor cooling unit should not shake, rattle, and roll when it turns on. If your AC vibrates when it turns on, then it might be experiencing hard starts. These difficult start-ups could be trying to tell you that your air compressor needs some maintenance. You should consult a qualified professional about your air compressor before your system’s hard starts turn into no-starts.
10. Hot Air Is Not Being Released Outside the Unit
A properly functioning air compressor takes hot air from inside your interior and releases it outside. You should be able to place your hand close to your AC’s fan and feel hot air blowing from it. If you can’t do so, then your air compressor might not be properly processing your AC’s gas. Low refrigerant can also cause this problem to occur; you should have a professional take care of this issue for you to avoid the problems that leaking refrigerant and poor compression can cause.
FAQs: What is an Air Compressor?
If you’re not sure what an air compressor is or does, then you’re not alone. The air compressor is the part of your air conditioner that pressurizes your AC’s refrigerant. It also lets the refrigerant absorb heat from your interior, release that heat outside of your home, and bring cool air into your house. Your compressor works in tandem with your system’s condenser and evaporator in a constant cycle while your system is active.
FAQs: Why Should I Care About a Failing Air Compressor?
Sometimes, ignoring a problem that doesn’t seem to be too serious can be tempting. However, if you don’t allow a professional to take care of your malfunctioning air compressor, then your cooling system could fail at a bad time. If you address your compressor’s problems early enough, you might be able to address the issue with a simple repair rather than a wholesale replacement. The health of you and your family could also suffer if you don’t get your compressor fixed–especially if a refrigerant leak is involved.
High-Grade Air Conditioner Repair in San Antonio, TX
At Rosenberg Plumbing & Air, we’re up to the challenge of providing a variety of HVAC and plumbing services for the people of San Antonio and the surrounding areas. If you need assistance with cooling your home, we’re capable of repairing, replacing, installing, or maintaining your air conditioner. We’re also up to the task of carrying out heating repairs, installations, replacements, and maintenance work on your heating system. If your pipes are leaking, we can find and repair them for you. We can also fix your faucets, toilets, sewer, and slab leaks. Other plumbing services that we offer are drain cleaning, video camera inspection, water heater services, and sump pump repair. We can even install an indoor air quality system that can improve the air in your home. Give us a call today if you want to know more about the ways that we can help you with your heating, cooling, and plumbing needs.
Tags: air compressor, HVAC