Which Type of Water Heater Is Best for Your Home?
Water heating accounts for nearly 20% of the average American household’s annual energy consumption. There are many water heating configurations to choose from, and the choice you make today will affect your comfort and budget for years to come. Let’s explore everything you need to know before selecting your next water heater in San Antonio, TX. Water Heater Options There are two core water heater types: tank and tankless. The former store hot water in a tank, while the latter heat it on demand. There are many choices to make within those two broad categories. Tank Water Heaters Also known as a storage water heater, a tank water heater stores and heats water in a tank. This has been the most common way to provide hot water to U.S. homes for decades. The average tank size in the United States is 40 to 50 gallons. There are much smaller capacities for households with only one or two people. Manufacturers also make 100-gallon and larger tanks for larger households. There are also different form factors, such as tall models for garage installations and squat models for low-clearance installs. Sized well, a tank water heater will have all the hot water you...
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