What Is The Best Leak Detection Method?

March 23, 2024

Plumbing leaks are a serious problem that has the potential to do lots of damage and/or lead to major mold issues. The issue is that most leaks can be extremely difficult to detect and locate since most of a home’s pipes are hidden. That is why plumbers use specialized equipment and advanced leak detection methods that make the process of locating the leak much easier and less time consuming, and this guide will explain what the most effective options for professional leak detection are. Thermal Imaging Some types of plumbing leaks will quickly result in certain telltale signs that make it fairly easy to determine exactly where the water is coming from. If there is visible evidence of a leak, such as yellow or brown stains on a sheetrock wall or ceiling or wet spots on the sheetrock, a plumber may be able to at least narrow down the possible location of the leak. However, you really don’t want to have to cut out more of the sheetrock than is absolutely necessary since more work will then need to be performed to redo everything once the leak has been fixed. This is why plumbers will often use a thermal imaging...

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