Common Furnace Problems That Can Be Prevented with Routine Maintenance

December 13, 2024

Regular tune-ups of your home’s heating system can prolong its lifespan and usefulness. Discover the common furnace problems you can prevent with routine furnace maintenance. Dirty Filters Dirty filters restrict airflow in your furnace, forcing it to work harder to heat your home. This exertion causes the furnace to use more electricity or gas, raising your monthly heating bills. It also increases the carbon footprint your home has on the environment. Ignition Problems A yearly tune-up can prevent ignition and pilot light problems. Delayed or failed ignition raises several risks, including gas buildup in the combustion chamber. This buildup increases the chances of small explosions that strain your furnace and also elevates the risk of a carbon monoxide leak. Blower Motor Failure You can also prevent blower motor failure with regular furnace tune-ups. When the blower motor fails, your furnace might blow out cold air. You may also feel weaker airflow coming from the vents and hear your furnace making unusual noises. Thermostat Malfunction When you turn on your heater, you expect it to provide you with reliable air temperature readings. You can keep the thermostat in your heater working normally by having an HVAC technician inspect and test it...

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What Maintenance Does a Furnace Need?

October 17, 2024

Your furnace has an important job. You want to make sure that it remains functional when you need it the most. For that reason, you should consider scheduling a maintenance visit for your system. A well-maintained heating system not only keeps your home warm but also helps reduce energy costs and extends the life of the equipment. With regular maintenance, you can prevent unexpected breakdowns, improve air quality, and ensure the system operates safely. What type of maintenance do you need to schedule for your furnace? Here is a look at what you can expect during these check-ups. Initial Inspection and Assessment When the technician arrives at your home, they will start an initial inspection. During this time, they will look at the overall health of the unit. Along with that, they will want to inspect if there are any signs of wear, damage, or other issues that may need some attention. Your technician will also check the outside of the unit. They want to see if there are any visible signs of damage, corrosion, or debris buildup. During this time, the technician may also ask you about any unusual noises, smells, or issues with temperature control. They want to...

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7 Reasons To Upgrade Your Gas Furnace To An Electric One

September 5, 2024

Electric furnaces offer a modern solution to many of the problems associated with gas furnaces. They are clean, reliable, and sustainable because they do not have to burn fuel to heat your home. If you need to replace an old furnace, you should consider upgrading to an electric model to take advantage of those benefits. In many cases, it can even make sense to replace a gas furnace that still works. Every home is unique, so we encourage you to learn more about electric furnaces and make an informed decision. 1. Fire Prevention Gas furnaces can be fire hazards. While heating fires have been getting rarer for several decades, furnaces are still a leading cause of house fires. Gas furnaces are relatively safe if you take care of them, but many people neglect their heaters. For example, it is vital to change the filter in a gas furnace every few months. If you do not replace it, the dirty filter will increase the risk of a fire. Electric furnaces avoid that problem by relying on electric heating elements. They do not introduce flammable materials into your home or create flames. That makes them the perfect choice for homeowners who want...

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Is Regular Service Necessary for Keeping My HVAC System Under Warranty?

April 19, 2023

The right warranties and insurance policies can significantly lower the costs of maintaining systems and appliances in your San Antonio, TX home. In some instances, insurance policies and warranties can even prevent out-of-pocket spending altogether especially as it concerns your heating and cooling equipment. If you’ve recently purchased a new furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner, it’s important to diligently adhere to the terms of its manufacturer warranty. Having your HVAC system serviced regularly is one of the terms you must adhere to if you do not want to void the warranty on your unit and for good reason. Warranties Are Mutually Binding Agreements All warranties are mutually binding agreements. While these contracts make provisions for protecting consumers, those who issue these warranties make provisions to protect themselves. The product warranties for your HVAC equipment ensures that you’ll never have to pay for problems resulting from defective manufacturing or materials. If your HVAC equipment was broken or poised for failure when you bought it, you won’t have to pay to have it repaired or replaced. However, undue system stress can also cause HVAC systems to fail long before their time. Even something as simple as forgetting filter changes can result...

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Is Furnace Maintenance Necessary?

February 20, 2020

Your furnace is usually out of sight and out of mind. It can be easy to overlook on your “to-do” list of home maintenance items. If you’re like some people, you may question the necessity of regular furnace maintenance, given your furnace’s trouble-free performance in the past. However, to ignore regular furnace maintenance is a serious oversight that could cost you big bucks down the road. Here are a few reasons why regular furnace maintenance in San Antonio is so crucial. Small Changes Most furnaces are built quite well, meaning that they’re able to withstand a lot of wear and tear and still provide you with a comfortable home. However, just because your furnace is doing its job doesn’t mean it’s doing it as well as it could. That’s where furnace maintenance comes in. By having your furnace inspected and maintained once a year, you will ensure that all the moving parts are properly lubricated, all the electrical connections are tight and all the most critical components are free from dust. Together, this ensures that your furnace is operating at its ultimate efficiency, which can help save you money on your utility bills and extend the life of your heating...

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How to Cut Heating Costs This Winter

November 8, 2019

As winter approaches and you start to use your packaged unit, heat pump, furnace, or mini-split more often, you might be wondering how you can save on your energy bills. The following are some elementary tips you can consider. Program the Thermostat Using a programmable thermostat will lower energy usage while you’re sleeping or at work. However, the energy savings may not amount to much if you overuse the heater during the rest of the day, so you might consider lowering the temperature. You can still remain comfortable while letting the heater run for a shorter time. If you don’t own a programmable thermostat, have an expert come over to explain its benefits. Smart thermostats, in particular, give you remote access so that you can turn your heater on, say, just before getting back home. Have the Heating Unit Maintained Heating systems need regular maintenance to deliver efficient performance. A yearly tune-up from a professional company is recommended. offers maintenance services for you here in San Antonio, TX. With Comfort Club Membership, you’ll receive a number of benefits with your tune-up, including discounts and a one-year warranty for parts and labor. A tune-up can cover filter replacement and duct cleaning,...

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How to Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

October 15, 2018

With weather conditions pushing the extremes in the summer and winter in recent years, a lot of folks are worried that their heating and cooling bills could become unmanageable. Fortunately, there are straightforward ways to increase your home’s energy efficiency. Here are some of the best ways to keep conformable all year long without breaking the bank. Upgrade your Heater and Air Conditioner Chances are your HVAC system is as old as your home is. In houses over twenty years old, with the original heating and air conditioning systems, energy efficiency will tend to hover around 70% at best. That means, in the best case scenario, you can improve your heating and cooling bills by more than 25% simply by installing a new system. Insulate the Attic In most locations, winter is the more expensive time of year for utilities. As you know, heat travels upward. This means if your attic or loft isn’t well insulated, you’re going to lose most of your heat treated air through the roof. By adding insulation to your attic, you’ll seal in that valuable heat and reduce your heating bills dramatically. Get an Energy Consultation Your local Seattle heating and cooling experts at Brennan...

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