Common Furnace Problems That Can Be Prevented with Routine Maintenance
Regular tune-ups of your home’s heating system can prolong its lifespan and usefulness. Discover the common furnace problems you can prevent with routine furnace maintenance. Dirty Filters Dirty filters restrict airflow in your furnace, forcing it to work harder to heat your home. This exertion causes the furnace to use more electricity or gas, raising your monthly heating bills. It also increases the carbon footprint your home has on the environment. Ignition Problems A yearly tune-up can prevent ignition and pilot light problems. Delayed or failed ignition raises several risks, including gas buildup in the combustion chamber. This buildup increases the chances of small explosions that strain your furnace and also elevates the risk of a carbon monoxide leak. Blower Motor Failure You can also prevent blower motor failure with regular furnace tune-ups. When the blower motor fails, your furnace might blow out cold air. You may also feel weaker airflow coming from the vents and hear your furnace making unusual noises. Thermostat Malfunction When you turn on your heater, you expect it to provide you with reliable air temperature readings. You can keep the thermostat in your heater working normally by having an HVAC technician inspect and test it...
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