How Often Do Air Ducts Need to Be Cleaned?

December 14, 2023

Without functioning air ducts, there would be no way for warm or cold air to make its way throughout your home in an efficient manner. However, one of the potential drawbacks of typical ducts is that anything in them can also be circulated throughout your house. Therefore, without regular cleanings, you could face the prospect of breathing in dust, mold, or anything else that gets into your home’s duct system. Ducts Can Be Cleaned Whenever You’d Like While some trade organizations will say that you should clean air ducts every three to five years, this isn’t necessarily true for your home. If you have pets, live near a forest, or otherwise have experienced poor indoor air quality, you may want to have your ducts cleaned every year. The same may be true if you have allergies, asthma, or are otherwise sensitive to contaminated air. Cleaning ducts regularly may also make the air smell better, which is a positive if you like to host weekly dinner parties or have family members over for the holidays. At in San Antonio, we offer thorough and timely duct cleaning services to ensure that you and your family are comfortable throughout the year. We can...

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