Get the Purified Air You Deserve


Many people don’t realize that the air inside their homes has much more dirt and pollutants than the air outside because houses can be a source for many different contaminants. Molds, mildew, dust mites, pets and more produce particles that, when combined with the generally closed environment of a home, make for what can be a toxic atmosphere.

Types of Air Purifiers

Several different methods exist for cleaning the atmosphere of contaminants. The most common types of air purifiers include regular filter units that are often simply called air cleaners, HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) cleaners, ionizing purifiers, ozone generators and adsorbents. Each removes impurities from the air in a different manner.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated that air purifiers may help control the levels of airborne particles, but that there are limitations as to what each type may be able to do.

Most air cleaners are unable to remove unwanted gases, while heavier particles often fall to the ground when indoors, thus keeping them outside of the purifier’s reach. Air purifiers can be used, however, to improve certain aspects of indoor air.

How Air Purifiers Work

Filter models, usually part of a furnace or overall HVAC system, use a cartridge insert to trap particles that go through the system, not only removing air contaminants, but also preventing component damage. These types of filters are usually made of foam, cotton, fiberglass or synthetic fibers and restrict airflow through the HVAC system, thus resulting in a loss of efficiency.

HEPA filters meet governmental requirements for removing air particles and are generally considered the gold standard for the industry as they trap particles as small as .03 micrometers in size. Ionizing purifiers work by attracting particles with an opposite charge to metal plate surfaces.
Ozone generators work in a similar manner to ionizing purifiers with the added intent of creating ozone to sanitize the air, but there is some controversy as to the efficacy of this method. Adsorbents include a material, usually activated charcoal with a high surface area, to trap particles.

Air Purifier Benefits

Research indicates that air purifiers can remove up to 90 percent of contaminant particles such as animal dander and dust mites. Air purifiers appear to be most effective at removing particles that irritate allergy and asthma sufferers and others who suffer from respiratory disorders.

Want the fresh purified air in your San Antonio home? Call Rosenberg Indoor Comfort at (210) 987-5587 and breathe in the purified air you deserve.